About Me

Hey there! Welcome to my blog! I’m Kate, a Northeastern transplant currently living in the Atlanta area who loves reading cookbooks, developing recipes, and sharing them with friends and family around my kitchen island. I’ll always have a cool glass of iced tea waiting for unexpected guests (but more than likely it’ll be unsweetened).
Growing up, my favorite memories always revolved around food: our Italian neighbors bringing over homemade cookies at Christmas; eating fresh zeppole COVERED in mounds of powdered sugar out of a brown paper bag at the summer street fair; feeling the burst of a fried egg yolk in a Taylor Ham sandwich hot off the diner grill.
Now, I love getting to create new traditions and food memories with my own family and sharing some of our favorites with you. I love to use in-season and local produce whenever possible to ensure peak freshness and flavor (while saving some money at the same time). Plus, now that we’ve got a little one at home, speedy weekday meals are a lifesaver. I hope you find some new favorites to add to your rotation and that these recipes help you create special memories of your own. Happy Cooking!