• Loaded Pulled Pork Totchos two ways

    Loaded Pulled Pork Totchos Two Ways

    It’s officially the first day of fall and you know what that means – 93 degree weather 😂 This fall season is one of the hottest on record for Georgia, and no matter how many pumpkins I…

  • Bacon Horseradiish Dijoli

    Bacon Horseradish Dijoli

    Growing up, heading to a baseball game meant more about the food to me than the game itself. Don’t get me wrong – it was super fun to watch the local minor team (shout out to the…

  • Dessert

    Easy-Peasy Blueberry Crisp

    Goodbye Summer & Hello Autumn! Every year my husband and I go on a Florida vacation with my in-laws to say goodbye to summer and relax as a family. Growing up on the Long Island Sound, I…